Covid Signs and Covid Media For Prevention And Awareness Campaigns

Covid-19 Public Health Awareness & Prevention Media Services Are Available For Government Entities As Well As Health Organizations Who Want To Partner With Us To Reach Their Community Where They Live And Shop Every Day.

buy covid signs

Long before the introduction of Covid-19 came to Florida there was a steady rise in Hepatitis A here. We worked on campaigns with multiple health departments across the state to prevent the spread of Hepatitis A and of course make people aware of how it spreads so that they can do a better job preventing it before it’s too late. Covid-19 is extremely similar in some instances and some of the recommendations for Hepatitis A have actually transferred over into Covid-19 prevention. Tips like washing our hands frequently, not sharing beverages, not shaking hands, staying clean and using common sense always helps. I’m sure some of you are thinking to yourself, “Well, what makes All Star Media Solutions qualified to sell these services?” Hepatitis A was not the only issue we worked on. Listen to some of the other topics, programs and campaigns we have done this same type of awareness and prevention strategy for below. There was a rise in Human Trafficking arrests not long ago in Florida and we worked with a high school art program to decide on the artwork we were going to use to raise awareness for this topic and program. The art students were instructed to paint “what human trafficking means to you”. We let the children vote for one of their classmate’s artwork and we used the winners artwork to digitally design a large format outdoor poster to install across the areas they needed to reach in the community. Another issue we noticed was a rise in HIV infections. So as we always do we reached out to the health programs in the state who wanted to focus on making people aware about HIV infections and how to prevent getting this disease. Last but not least one really troubling issue we faced was Fentanyl overdoses. It was killing more people through overdoses than anything we have ever seen in our Country.  

As you can see we have been doing this for a very long time and have previously covered many health topics. You can trust us to bring your Covid-19 health message to the public to help prevent the spread. 

For Outdoor Print Health Awareness Campaign Questions Call: Bill Amodeo at 855-562-9198.

For Digital Public Health Broadcasting Questions Call: Michael Garcia at 786-681-4650.

Above And Beyond Covid-19 Awareness Campaigns 

Tobacco Cessation / Flavored Tobacco & Youth Awareness Campaign

Tobacco Cessation OOH Campaigns

Mental Health & Behavioral Health Awareness Campaign

Mental Health OOH Campaigns

HIV / PrEP Awareness Campaign 

HIV OOH Campaigns

Students Working Against Tobacco Awareness Campaign

Students Working Against Tobacco OOH Campaign

Hepatitis Awareness Campaign

Hepatitis Awareness

Getting 2 Zero HIV Awareness Campaign

Getting 2 Zero HIV Awareness and Prevention


Childrens HPV Vaccine Awareness Campaign

Multi Message Awareness Campaigns

Youth | Making The Right Choices Awareness Campaign

Make a difference awareness campaign

Don’t Let Flavored Tobacco Marketing Trap Our Kids Awareness Campaign

Youth And Flavored Tobacco Marketing Awareness

Know Your Doctor Awareness Campaign 

Know Your Doctor Awareness Campaign

Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign 

Human Trafficking Awareness

Summer Break Spot Meals For Kids Awareness Campaign 

Summer Breakspot Meals For Kids Promotion Campaign

Fentanyl Overdose Awareness Campaign 

Fentanyl Overdose Awareness Campaign


All Star Media Solutions | 855-562-9198